Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Babies everywhere!

I am surrounded by pregnant people. There are nine people right now, that I know, that are pregnant. Let's list them shall we?!
1. Candice
2. Anonymous (you know who you are)
3. Abigail
4. Megan
5. Melody
6. Amanda
7. Laci
8. Betsy
9. Kristin

I'm going to have to take out a small loan for baby gifts!

It almost makes me want another one. And then I think of the night vomits, the streatch marks, the doctor visits, paper thin gowns and cold exam rooms, the epidural, the long, long labor, the two hours of pushing, the c-section, the stiches and staples, the bleeding for six weeks, the hemroids, the horrid reality that your pre-pregnancy clothes DON"T FIT!!, the rubber stomach, the 2am feedings, the cracked nipples (I know TMI), the diapers, the diaper rashes, the diaper creams, the spit-up, the explosive diapers, the wanting to eat NOW, the shots, the screaming for no reason, what more diapers?!, driving in the car so they fall asleep, their first word (dog), their first steps, their sticky kisses, their unconditional love, their dependence on you, their laugh, their cry, their hugs, their first birthday...

would I do it again?...sure. By choice?...not on your life!


Kristin said...

Just to clarify...the aforementioned Kristin...isn't this one. :) What can I say...I know I'm paranoid...but unless it's the emmaculate conception...it's not me. :)

-Kristin Smith

Mrs. Jake said...

Ha! Sorry, no it's not you Kristin. I do apologize!