I'm back. (you should be smiling now Jason)
I seriously considered NOT blogging ever again. I was on the verge of deleting it all and walking away.
Why you ask?
Because, who wants to read the ramblings of a 31 year-old mom living in MASCOT, Tennessee? Seriously! Who has time to read this stuff?!
My mom that's who.
So, I'm back. (If you will indulge me this brief comparison...) If my writing is like food...when you come to the table, sometimes you will see PB and J(crust removed of course). Sometimes you will see a full meal complete with dessert. And, sometimes you will see burnt toast.
Bon Appetit!
=) I am.
A recent poll in Newsweek magazine said that over-30 moms who live in rural-metro environments live incredibly interesting lives. that's why i read.
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