Saturday, August 2, 2008


Community. Saying this word immediately makes me think of neighbors. Which sends my thoughts spiraling towards Mr. Rogers. Never the less, whenever I thought of this word, or heard someone say it, I never thought to put it with church.

Crossings (my totally rockin place to meet with other Christ followers) was the first "church" that talked about community and what it meant. I was told that community is when others and myself purposely take an interest in each others lives (excuse the poor paraphrasing). It sounded awesome! Where do I sign up?!

Today, I experienced community. And from this experience, it opened my eyes to all the community that had been taking place and I was simply ignorant of it! I can hear you ask, "How did you experience community Carrie?" Good question.

We started this day heading off to the pool. We met people from Kid City there to swim and eat PB&J and hot dogs. It was great! A whole afternoon of swimming and getting to know the people whose children I see every Sunday. I met people that had we been somewhere else, I probably would not have started a conversation with them. How cool that God brings together all kinds of people to be his body!

Then tonight my friends, Erin and Jason...oh yes and my good buddy Eli...came over to my house to mow my lawn. They also fixed supper and brought it with them. Erin and I had fun talking while the kids played outside and on the computer. Jason mowed the lawn and made it look effortless. (How do guys do that?! He didn't even look like he had done anything when he came in. When I mow, I come in all red faced and pass out on the floor next to the box fan!)

Sorry...where was I? Oh yes, the was so awesome! It wasn't that I can't mow the lawn. Can I mow the lawn you ask? Of course, been doing it all summer. But tonight it was done for me, without complaint. There was a smile on Jason's face and he seemed truly happy to do it. I had a need, and he took care of it. Sound familiar? (Read the first couple of chapters in Acts)

I know this will not speak to some of you that read this. And I know that some of you are wondering what the big deal is. I guess this simple act of taking care of something I absolutely hate doing scraped some of the film off my eyes.

(Light bulb) Oh yeah, I remember what Jesus wanted us to be about - each other.

Thanks Jason and Erin!

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