Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Only three more weeks until Jake leaves for the Air Force. I'm not quite sure what to think. I can't wrap my brain around 18 weeks. That is four and a half months! That is half of a gestation period. I have a feeling God and I are about to get very close.


The Anonymous Human said...

hmmm....half a gestation period....really? What could you do with that time?

Mrs. Jake said...

How bout YOU let ME know friend.

Anonymous said...

it was awesome getting to hang out with you all yesterday, thank you. and know for sure we're here for you for ANYthing during the half a gestation period ... babysitting, grocery shopping, bringing some dinner, mowing the yard, whatever. seriously.

Mrs. Jake said...

Thanks! You and Erin are really awesome!

Anonymous said...

um...have you given up on blogging? =(