Friday, February 13, 2009


Have you ever noticed that life flows in circles?

This friend, knows that friend, knows that friend, knows me.

Happy mood, happy mood, happy mood, sad, mad, happy.

The roads in Knoxville.

I looked in the mirror and saw my mom starring back. Will Emma see me one day?

I diet and cheat, diet and cheat, then I just cheat only to go back to dieting.

The months

Summer, fall, winter, spring, summer, fall, winter, spring

History - peace then war, peace then war.

we are born, we live, we give life, we die...our life given gives life to new life then dies...and so on

Songs that I thought were new, only to find out they were old songs reborn

Jake and I are good, we are good, we fight, we are good, we are good, we fight.

Daytime, nighttime, daytime, nighttime

The hours in a day

I wonder what else...?

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