Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Death to a rumor!

Whoo hoo! Two posts in one week. Is God coming back? Did the Cubs win something? in MASCOT is what you would imagine life to be right now. I am mad at the weather for giving the teasing 79 degree weather and then the next day 34! I am mad because when I look at the weather channel for Myrtle Beach (which is where I'll be in three days) there are no 7's or 8's in the front of the numbers. I want to start planting my garden, I want to wear shorts and t-shirts. I want to feel the warm sun on my arms and face. I want my biggest worry to be, "do I start tanning on my stomach or back?" In short, I want summer. Hmmm...summer. I can't wait!

Yes, I am a teacher. Yes, I get summer off. However, let's put an end to a nasty rumor floating around out there. I DO NOT get paid for the summer months. I may receive a check, but that is only because I have money taken out of my other checks and set aside so that I can get "paid" in the summer. I'm not disciplined enough to set aside the money myself. So, next time a teacher talks about the summer, know that A- they deserve it for putting up with everyone's precious child and B - they don't get paid.

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