Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oh ye of little faith

I have been up since two o'clock in the morning.  My body has laid in bed, my mind has been racing, trying to go through all that must be accomplished this week.  The cherry on top was the fact that my dogs had a vet appointment today and I only have $90 in the bank as of last night, at midnight.  Let me explain this quandary...

I get paid on the 25th of each month.  Not bad, if you plan and budget.  It usually gets tight towards the last week, not unusual.  These past two months we've been paid on the 20th.  So, one would naturally assume this month we would get paid on the 20th. 


So, I've had one extra week of no check.

But Carrie, you remind me, you have a savings. 

Yeah, we DID have one.  Jake took most of it getting ready for officer's school.  (Did you hear that really DEEP sigh I just sighed?)

So, I'm back to no money and a vet appointment.  I decide that I'm gonna have to reschedule.  When?  I have no idea.  So, I get up out of bed, fix some coffee, grab the calendar and phone and look up the vet's number.  Something, rather someone, prompts me to look at my bank again.  I do so knowing how futile this was going to be and I would only further my depression by looking.  But, the feeling would not go away so, I looked up my account online.

HOLY COW!  Where did that money come from?!  The Air Force paid Jake?!  Today?!  But the Air Force only pays Jake on the 15th and 30th of every month.  Unless I'm Rip Van Winkle, it's neither of those days.

I cry.  I praise my God.  I cry some more.

I guess the military does answer to a higher power.

Now, I'm at peace and the dogs will get their shots. 

Thanks Abba.


betsy said...

that's very very cool carrie, thanks for sharing!

Brian Vinson said...

It's a great reminder of how much our Father cares, even for the "little" things.