Monday, September 20, 2010

okay God...lead the way!

So I've been meeting with group of women for over a year now.  I love my small group very much.  However, it's exactly that...small.  For sometime now I've been feeling the tug to talk to my friends and share exactly what is on my heart.  Basically what I said was, "What we have is good, but I think we can be better."

I decided to take the plunge and share with them my thoughts on opening up our small group to women God lays on our hearts.  I can already think of a few.  I felt myself grow nervous as I laid before them my idea on expanding our group.  I held my breath as I looked at them.  What I saw in their eyes and on their faces caused my heart to beat a thousand times faster!  They too agreed that we need to open our hearts and our group to the women of this community.

My dream is a group where people feel safe to wrestle with God.  (Thus my name: Jacob's Twin   Hmmmm....foreshadowing?  Maybe?!)  I want women to know they are welcome and no matter what is going on in their lives, they're not alone.  AND, if they want to change...we are there to walk beside them. 

I have no idea how this is all going to go down.  I know what I WANT it to look like, but I am praying God's hand will direct all of this madness.  I just need to keep pointing to Him and the rest will fall into place.

We have decided to meet on Monday's at six.  The topic of conversation will vary.  We are going to start with "What does the Bible have to say about..." and let the women fill in the blanks.  Then, we'll pick a topic, wrestle with it, ask questions, answer a few and then close with a prayer time.  As I type this is sounds too crazy and unorganized.  Who can work in this mess?!  Hopefully God will choose to!

I'll keep you posted.

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