This summer I chose to teach summer school. The ONLY reason I am doing this is to make extra cash to put towards my credit card. Thank you Dave Ramsey.
I don't mind teaching summer school. It's only four hours and the pay per hour is good. At the beginning of summer school we were supposed to receive $33.33 per hour for 100 hours of work. Awesome right?! I was licking my chops at those figures. I could pay off a credit card AND go visit my brother in Vegas!
I feel I must explain a little BEFORE I begin the complaints. There are two different sects of teachers teaching summer school. One sect is teaching regular summer school with no strings attached and getting around two grand for their month of work. My sect of teachers were working for the Title One summer school. We are getting paid more, however like with all things government there are 18,000 strings attached and a whole lot more required. We have a lot more paper work to keep up with, we have to have parent conferences and we have to stay longer hours on some days. I didn't mind because the pay was so good.
They (my summer school principals) called us into the library today and told us our hours were going to be cut. EXCUSE ME?! Here's the reason why...see if you can follow the government's way of thought.
Every child that is free and reduced (meaning the tax payers pay for their lunch and breakfast, fees and field trips) is assigned an amount of money to them. If the child went to tutoring during the year money was taken from their account to pay the tutors. A fact someone has not thought to mention before. Now we have children with no money and not enough money to pay teachers. There are many teachers losing their summer school positions because there isn't enough money. There are also children being told they cannot come back to summer school (even though they NEED to come) because they have no more money left in their account. Meanwhile we have several people in fluff positions who do absolutely nothing, but "have" to be at our school because the government insists on it.
There was never this problem before the government got involved.
Over the past year, I've really looked hard at our educational system. I have noticed that there are more unnecessary positions, unnecessary tasks, unnecessary actions, and unnecessary spending of money than I've ever seen before! I think all common sense has been tossed out the window! Yet when you try to say something to someone, you get hushed and told you have no heart for the profession. It's because I have a heart for the children (and my tax dollars) that I dare say anything at all!
So...long story longer and one prediction for my ending...I am expected to work many hours for free just because of my profession. I predict that by the end of summer school I will only be paid the same amount as the other sect of teachers.
We shall see....
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