Tuesday, November 30, 2010


My husband surprised me with a Wii game last night.  James Bond - Goldeneye.  I must admit when Emma walked in through the garage door and announced Jake had bought something for me, I wasn't expecting a Wii game.  I couldn't believe he had remembered how much I like to play James Bond!  I was touched and surprised all at the same time!   I think he was embarrassed as he showed it to me.  It didn't help that my girls small group was sitting around the kitchen table watching.  :)

When we were first married we used to go to a friend's house and play James Bond for hours.  There were four of us and four controllers.  Looking back on it, I can't believe we played on such a small TV!  I guess for the time back then it was "big".  With what we have now, the screen seems so small!  Anywhoo....

We stayed up until ten shooting at each other.  (I know ten isn't THAT late in the adult world.  However, I am usually in bed asleep by then on a school night.)  It was so much fun!  The game was also a lot harder than I remember it.  I think I need to get used to the controllers again.  I also think I need to find someone else to play against that hasn't had military training.  During our last game, Jake parked his character on top of a roof and played the role of sniper quite well.  Hmmmm...makes me wonder if he really is just a "computer geek" for the Air Force after all.  :)

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