Everyone keeps asking me if I'm ready for school to begin. The answer to that question will always be "NO!"
I am now in, what you would call, "summer mode". I love, love, LOVE staying at home! I love having dinner ready, I like having the bathrooms cleaned, I like having the laundry done. I like the feeling of relaxation I have when I've been at home all day. I love the freedom of going to the grocery store when I want. Who wants to leave all that and go back to time schedules, long meetings, parents complaining, kids acting crazy, and weird government regulations?
Me apparently.
I can't help it. Once Wal-mart puts out the Crayola markers for a dollar something in my brain clicks. (Is it just me, or is Wal-mart putting their school supplies out earlier and earlier?) I start thinking about how I'm going to arrange my classroom furniture. I think about classroom rules, new teaching techniques, old lessons that need tweaking, old lessons that need to go bye-bye and a million other things. I wonder what my class will be like. Will they like me? Will I like them? Will I have any crazies this year?
I love the excitement of getting ready for the first day! The new backpack, the new school supplies, new haircut and most importantly, the new outfit. I love the smell of the paper, the new books, and the sharpened pencils. I love the clean desks (I give them one day to stay that way) and the clean chalk board. I wonder what the school dynamic will be like. I think about my role in the school climate. I make great plans to change my attitude (check back with me in February). Whatever went on last year, this is a "redo". Every year is new!
And then...the children walk in the room and right behind them...reality.
One can always hope that this reality will be better than before.
I'll keep you posted.
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