I guess I should take a few minutes and explain why I chose "Jacob's twin" as my blog name. I can see where there would be some confusion since I have a brother named Jacob and a husband named Jacob. I'm also aware of some werewolf named Jacob. For the record...this has absolutely nothing to do with Twilight. Those of you that know my brother...twins we are not. As for Jake, my husband, there were a lot of confused people back home. Many thought I was dating my brother. (Ewww!) The looks I got when I would say things like, "Jake's a good kisser" or "Jake's really hot". That got some good looks! Funny times, funny times!
Anywhoo...back to the name. It has nothing to do with any of those Jakes. No, to understand the Jake I chose, you have to go back, WAAAY back. All the way back to Genesis. Jacob, son of Issac and Rebekah. The man who stole his brother's birth right, lied to his dad and ran away from home.
That Jacob.
I found my story in his. He was one messy, messy man. I can relate. I too am a messy person. I lie, I take what's not mine, I push people away. I know what it feels like to wrestle with God. And although my wrestling is spiritual and not physical, I know the frustration of walking away with a limp. I am a twin to Jacob. Kinda depressing isn't it? The good news is, the story doesn't stop with Jacob running into the desert. The best part about Jacob's story is that even though he tries to manipulate everyone around him including God, God still uses him. God still shows him grace. God still allows Jacob to go back home and make things right. Jacob is allowed to stay in the lineage of Jesus.
THAT my friends is what it's all about. As messy as we are, we are still shown grace. I messed up today, I will screw up again tomorrow...but that's not my whole story. My whole story includes grace, forgiveness and restoration. I'm a part of God putting his people back together again! I have my place in this story and so do you. One day I will experience true shalom. Until then, I'll stand in the fact that I don't have to have it all together, I will mess up again, I will keep asking questions, I will keep walking (sometimes crawling) in my faith, I will keep wrestling.
That's interesting...I've always felt I was much like David, for many of the same reasons. David was a huge screw up too, yet a man after God's own heart. God used David's sins for the good (like the purchase of the land for the temple). Funny how the Bible is so full of screw ups and God shows us how he still use them for his benefit, yet I've spent 33 years trying desperately (and failing constantly) to be perfect. Thank God I'm learning how to finally LIVE!
I know! I'm so thankful the examples left for us are not perfect!
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