Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the joy of the shoot

I've only just begun to take pictures. I can honestly say I know how to do three things well with my camera. 1. Turn it on 2. Point it at something 3. Push the button to take a picture

Don't get me wrong. I know how to do somethings, but I'm slow as Christmas at doing them. But, however slow I am, there is nothing better than looking through tons and tons of pictures to find "the one".

I love taking pictures and my husband is so kind to allow me the money and time away from family to pursue this new interest. I'm also very lucky to have friends in my life who are talented in photography. All of them are very encouraging! I also am blessed to have two children who don't mind being my subjects of interest whenever I catch the itch to shoot.

The more I learn about photography the more I learn I know nothing about it. However, I am learning that there is simple joys to be found throughout the whole process. I love finding a beautiful place to shoot. I love the creativity I am allowed while I am taking pictures. I love the delete button on my camera. I love editing my photos. I love taking something unfinished and making it fantastic. I love the look on people's faces when they see the pictures. I love sharing my pictures with others. I love seeing other people's photos. I love to learn more and more about the whole process.

I preface my entry tonight will all of this because I can't believe what I'm about to type next...I have two photo shoots lined up!


That's right TWO photo shoots! Touch me twice!!

I have a friend who wants family photos taken next Saturday and another friend last night who asked me to take her daughter's senior pictures. Oh my goodness I can barely hold back the squeal as I type this! Why God is so good to me I'll never know! It's not even about making money...it's all about the joy of the shoot!

1 comment:

The Anonymous Human said...

You should start a picture blog. It will help you get a little more business. You should also read up on how to do maternity and wedding photos. That's where the green backs are.

check it here:

