Thursday, January 24, 2008


Ever since I've heard of Heath Ledger's death, I've been consumed with finding anything newsworthy about it. It really started to bother me that he died. Then it started started to bother me that it bothered me so much. I don't have any huge fixations on Mr. Ledger, I don't have all his movies, I haven't even watched them all...No, what I think is bothering me is this:He is close to my age, he has a small two-year-old girl, and he wasn't a professing Christ-follower. It really weighs heavy on my heart that he isn't with God. And then broaden the picture to the world at that time. How many others died that day not knowing God? That's it. It's over - final.

It makes one, slow down and take a long look at one's life. And what about those around me. As I go through my day I have this false sense of immortality. "Today is not my day or for anyone around me." Who said? What if tonight was my last night alive. Would I have spent this day differently? Would the things that were "big deals" seem so big. Would I have spent my time exactly the same way?

This seems to be a gray cloud way of thinking. Doom and gloom. A morbid take on life. But I see it more as a filter. This filter can be placed on my brain. This filter could be a positive thing. Do I want these to be my last words to this person? Did I do my best at work today? Did I love others the way Jesus calls me to? Did I just walk through the day or did I dance? do other's live without the hope of eternal life? It makes me think of Shakespear (yes, I did listen in high school)
"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts
and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told
by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Nothing is right. Nothing is what they had and nothing is what they will get. An eternal life away from the one who knew them in their mother's womb. An eternity away from the lover of their souls. WHy didn't they hear it? Why do some people hear God's whisper and some don't? I know about free will... I know people have a choice... I know they know in their hearts....but why are some people born into families that raise them to know the creator and some are not? Who decides? My heart is breaking, how can God stand it?! How can he be quiet and not speak? Would they even listen? Probably not. It makes me want to stand on the street corner and throw Bibles at people.

Oh why won't you listen?!
God is calling your name, gently whispering.
Hurts will be healed, lives will be changed, love will be given.
A lap is ready for you to crawl onto. An ear is ready to hear. Arms are ready to close in around you. Gentle fingers are ready to wipe your tears.
He's saying your name.
There's no anger, no animosity, no accusations. There is only hope, mercy and love.
Peace is woven into his voice. Joy is waiting to be unwrapped.
Open your ears to your creator!
Open and listen, why won't you listen?!
Hear God, hear his voice!
He spoke the stars into being. He knows their names. He created the world with a word. He created you.
He knows your name.
He whispered it to you in your mother's womb. He whispered it to you as you learned to walk. He whispered it as you went to school. He whispered it over you as you slept. He's whispering it now.
Do you hear it?!
Shhh... there it is again...shhh....your name...beloved.

I know where I'm going when I breathe my last. I do not fear death. Do I want to die, NO! But knowing that I will see my Abba and be able to worship him, hug him, touch him! WOW! Sometimes my yearning for him is so great, that death is viewed more as a doorway, a final exit, a curtain call.I can't judge Heath or anyone else that has died. Thankfully that's not my job. But it is my job to share this message with others. The message of hope, forgiveness and love. And hopefully in doing so will help someone find their way back to God.

Isn't that what it's all about?


The Anonymous Human said...

Believe it or not I think more people hear his voice then want to admit. The problem is, while it comes with hope, grace and mercy, it also comes with a cross and a call to die. I know him and that's still what scares me most. Making myself number 2 in my life. That's a call that most people aren't willing to make.

Mrs. Jake said...

I agree. Although I don't think it's fear I feel, it's a frustration. A frustration with myself. When I look in the mirror I see a very messy person. I want to clean all that mess up, but I can't. Only God can.

You're right. I don't come first, my kids, my job, my fun, even my husband doesn't come first. I don't know everything (don't tell my second graders), I make selfish choices, and I'm not in control. But the more I let go, the more at peace I am. It's nice not having to know everything or be in charge. I'm finding as I grow older - the more I spend time with my Abba, the more like him I want to be. I want to see like him, talk like him, touch like him, smell like him.
I think self vs. spirit (if that's the correct tag) is something I will struggle with my whole life.


jason said...

i certainly appreciate your passion in this post - it can't be faked, but it can be harnessed and focused. that's exciting.