Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New year - same me, sorta

I have found myself up late several nights in a row. So what's a gal to do? I know! Join the newest fad - blogging!

At first I thought what a great way to convey myself to others. But, do I really want that? I don't know. I may say things that offend. I might say things that will get me laughed at. I may say something profound - okay probably not, but dang it I'll try. All I have are thirty years experience under my belt. So, well see where I go.

Let's see. 2008 - wow! I didn't even bother making resolutions. I'll only break them. Matter of fact if I were on a diet, it would have been broken....ummmm....January 1st at 12:01 a.m. Ooops!

I'm still me on the outside. I look in the mirror and the same old gal stares back. She is getting a few more wrinkles, no gray yet (yes!). Her face is a tad more round and the circles are still dark under her eyes. When she smiles the crows feet streach past her eyebrows. Lines on her forehead show where she's frowned at many a child. There are a few faint scars from the battle of acne (thank you hormones) Her eyes are still blue and still sparkle when she laughs. Sigh...yep I'm still the same person.

Do people actually read these things? Anywho. I'm excited to say I'm changing on the inside! I've wrestled with the whole Jesus issue - I still am. Thus the name Jacob's twin. (Ahhh lightbulb) If you don't get it, don't ask. He is changing me as much as I'll let go. I am very stubborn. Maybe I should've given myself the name "stubborn ass". He is teaching me some very HARD lessons. For some reason I seemed to skip all those scriptures about loving EVERYONE, not just my friends. And what does that truly look like? Yikes...we'll takle that later.

I am very synnical in nature (and I can't spell - so what) I hope that doesn't offend. Seriously people read these things?! I have found I like to cuss. Bad habit, but oh it can be so much fun. Cussing is an art. You have to know when and how to use them. You can't use a cuss word in every sentence. They are the cherry on the sundae. Sorry, random thought. I do that sometimes.
Okay enough for now.

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