Sunday, May 30, 2010

that sir, was a good question

A couple of thoughts from this mornings service...

First, a quote:
"One 'yes' means a thousand 'nos'"

When we say "yes" to Jesus, we have to say "no" to a thousand other things. No to judging others. No to rage. No to "fairness to me". No to jealousy. You get the point. I've never thought of it like this...

Second, we were asked to think about what teaching from the series "Turning a Big Ship" had the most impact on us. I think the teaching about "Looking Up" would be my choice. Like all human beings I have a hard time not thinking of myself first. I also look to myself, my friends, even society first when I am struggling. I need to learn to "look up".

Third another quote:

"Living a life of forgiveness is intentional." We need to stop "wishing" we were forgiving or loving or kind. We need to start being intentional about what we want. When the Israelites were ready to cross over the Jordan into the promised land, Moses spoke to them and reminded them of all that God had done for them. He also commanded them to remember his words. "They are not just idle words...they are your life" (Deut. 32:17) We need to take the words of Jesus to heart and put them into practice. These words are not just cute sayings to hang on our walls, or put in a greeting card. These words are life changing, life giving words.

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