Sunday, May 2, 2010


I have a name for my storytelling!

My friends Tina and Palmer came to stay with us over the weekend. Palmer is an AMAZING photographer and storyteller. They have the amazing job of traveling, taking pictures and telling the stories of missionaries and missions around the world! They get to see first hand who Jesus is to people all around the world. Their mission is to allow their photography to be a "voice to the voiceless".

They asked me my opinion about a name for their work...they threw out two names that were okay. Storytellers and something else that I can't remember...then Palmer said, "voca". And I fell in love!

Voca - vocabulary....vocal...voice...words for those that have none

I looked up the word online and found this: "Voice Output Communication Aid, a device to speak for someone who cannot speak." That's exactly what they are doing! This idea of communicating to others for those that cannot lines up with this thing (for lack of better words) that is starting to wake up my soul! Creating video, slide shows, taking pictures, writing... it's all apart of something that speaks to my creative side. A little voice in me that is growing stronger each day. "This is what you were created for!" It whispers to me. This idea of speaking out...voca...being a voice to those that do not have one.

Even if this is not the path God has for me...I'm proud and excited to walk along beside my two friends as they "voca" for others!


The Anonymous Human said...

So, I know you already have a thousand degrees and I have none, but I remember Tommy Oaks got a masters in storytelling from somewhere in your neighborhood (milligan maybe?). Anyway, not saying you have to have schooling to be successful, but it may not hurt to look in to.

Mrs. Jake said...

thanks! I may just do that! Degrees aren't anything but really expensive pieces of paper. My last one cost me $40,000. I'm just sayin...