Monday, May 10, 2010

Coffee pots beware!

In my 12 years of marriage, I've owned 4 coffee pots, 5 french presses and one percolator. I have managed to break all but the percolator. I had to give it back to it's rightful owner once they found out I had it.

I really don't mean to break them, especially the french presses. I love my french presses! I would wake up before the whole family on a Saturday morning just to enjoy a few moments of peace. I would grind the beans to a fine consistency, while my water came to a rolling boil on the stove. I loved the smell of the grounds as the water hit them, causing a burnt coffee scent to hit my nose. My mind would immediately go to downtown Knoxville and the JFG factory. I loved watching the water become dark as the grounds permeated the liquid. My mouth watered as I waited those four minutes ready to taste my "liquid gold".

My first four presses were made of last one Jake bought me was plastic. He proudly showed me how it can bump against the sink, drop on the floor and bang the faucet (all methods of demise for my first four presses) and still not break. He didn't count on the screw that held the screens together.

I am now the proud owner of a Keurig one cup brew master (I want to add "2000" to the end of that statement)! Jake bought it for me for Mother's Day. I was so excited as I added the water to the plastic side of the machine. I danced on my tip toes as I put the K-cup into the top of the machine and pushed the power button. I giggled as I pushed the button causing the hot water to come and make my coffee. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as there was noise, then came the steam, after that more noise and then there was more noise and...nothing. It wouldn't work.

We had to take it back.

Stupid coffee maker.


The Anonymous Human said...

you know, I'm beginning to see a little bit of user error in these stories...

Mrs. Jake said...

hush your mouth